VarroaAlert (Varroa-Warndienst)

VarroaAlert (Varroa-Warndienst)

About the project

VarroaAlert (Varroa-Warndienst) is a freely accessible web-based platform launched in in 2017 by the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture (LKO) in collaboration with the Austrian Beekeeping Federation (BÖ) and the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES). It collects and analyses data on the infestation of honeybee colonies with the parasitic mite Varroa destructor. Infestation data is provided by beekeepers enrolled in a sentinel apiary program (currently 73 apiaries with 664 beehives distributed across Austria). A predictive algorithm performs risk assessments and triggers alerts if mite loads exceed predefined thresholds. Moreover, the system issues region specific, weather-based recommendations for an efficient application of veterinary drugs. The website, which is expected to reduce colony losses caused by Varroosis, has become an important source of information for >29.000 beekeepers, counting >90.000 visits per year. In 2018, an innovative technology for automated Varroa diagnosis has been integrated in the program.

Contact details

Data providers, that participated in the project.

About shared data

Total number of data points shared: 109,183

Apiary counts

Number of operations.

Colony Total

Total number of Bee colonies included in calculation


Any content related to the data point.

Data Points Total

Total number of raw data point included in calculation

Valid From

The provided information is valid from a certain date.

Valid To

The provided information is valid until a certain date.

Varroa infestation

Average Varroa infestation value

Varroa Infestation Alerts

What is the alertness level of Varroa Infestation

Varroa infestation measurement time

The date and time of last Varroa Infestation measurement