National Beekeeping Programme - Wallonie (BE)

National Beekeeping Programme - Wallonie (BE)

About the project

National Beekeeping Programmes are subsidies provided to the beekeeping sector for its development. They come from the Common Agricultural Policy budget. In the Wallonia region of Belgium, the main beekeeping leaders (UFAWB, URRW and CARI) defined twenty years ago the bases of operation of what was called \"the Honey programme\". In order to be able to keep the relevance of the actions undertaken, they defined the mode of operation of the Steering Committee, now renamed the \"Honey Committee\", which is responsible for defining the lines of work and adapting them according to the new requirements. Provincial representation (ideally two representatives per province and for Brussels) and one representative from each of the associations were needed to improve the transmission of information between the different structures. The election is democratic and direct, which is why each beekeeper present at the \"Namur day\" (a day where the annual activities are presented to the regional beekeeping sector) has the opportunity to elect the candidates of his/her choice. Candidatures are open to everyone who is willing to invest in the follow-up of the programme. This programme is executed by the CARI where its permanent staff team makes sure to implement the activities defined by the Honey Committee.

More on how the European Beekeeping Programmes are applied in Wallonia here.

More on the National Beekeeping Programmes of different EU countries here.

Contact details

Data providers, that participated in the project.

About shared data

Total number of data points shared: 556,089

Daily Outside temperature

Outside lowest and highest temperature in Celsius degrees

Hive scales

Beehive weight in Kilograms

Inside temperature

Inside temperature in Celsius degrees

Outside relative humidity

Outside relative humidity in percentage

Outside temperature

Outside temperature in Celsius degrees


Rain in liters per square meter